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Community College leaders in the Aspen Rising Presidents Fellowship at Stanford University.

The Stanford Educational Leadership Initiative (SELI) advances the critical cause of diversity, equity and inclusion in learning science and postsecondary education leadership.  SELI’s research-practice partnership with the Aspen Institute College Excellence Program has enabled faculty from the Stanford Graduate Schools of Education, Business and Engineering to host and prepare 200 Aspen Presidential Fellows to lead U.S. community colleges for student success in graduation and preparation for workforce advancement.  


SELI programs bring together the strengths of Stanford Graduate School of Education and Stanford Graduate School of Business, as well as additional Stanford faculty and resources to offer multidimensional professional development programming for practicing leaders in community colleges, employers, and policymakers. Integrating a focus on student success with leadership strategies, we focus on student educational attainment and labor market outcomes. SELI offerings provide innovative, principled, and research-based professional development opportunities that participants can immediately put to use in education leadership.  By fostering research-practice partnerships and building relationships between existing colleagues and among new peers, SELI programs create networks supporting participants’ continued learning and organizational improvement. 

SELI offerings include the Aspen Rising Presidents Fellowship for Community College Excellence, the NSF INCLUDES STEM Core Alliance,  Teaching Science How Learning Happens, and Civic Stewardship to Strengthen Community Colleges

Nominations open for Aspen Rising Presidents Fellowship for Community College leaders

Applications will be opening soon for the Aspen Rising Presidents Fellowship for Community College leadership at Stanford.